Bypass training wheels by teaching balance from the start with Micro’s lightweight, easy to ride balance bike, the ‘G Bike +’. It’s a bike without pedals or chains that toddlers propel with their feet, learning balance and coordination needed to ride a bike later in life. Constructed of aluminum, the G-Bike + is ultra lightweight. At only 6.4 pounds, children have the ability to control and maneuver it easily. The G-bike can be used year-round, indoors and out, thanks to the quiet, smooth-gliding, non-marking wheels. The seat is adjustable from 13 inches to 15.5 inches and the handlebars are adjustable from 20 inches to 21 inches. NOTE: Although the manufacturer recommends this product for ages 2 to 5 we have found that children ages 2 and 3 are best able to use it as intended, for learning to balance on two wheels. Children older than 3 do often ride it, happily, but for fun, with feet dragging, so we do recommend this product for children age 2 or age 3.